Identity for a cutting-edge institute that works in the field of design, music and contemporary dance.

Pekinpah association brings together internationally acclaimed designers, theorists, architects, choreographers, dancers and musicians. Over the years the group has facilitated artistic, cultural and scientific creation, developed theoretical discourse, as well as organised numerous events, research activities and education.

Since the group has established itself as being progressive in interdisciplinary fields the leading visual idea was developed around the metaphor of "crossing borders". The identity was defined in a straightforward and concise manner with the use of fundamental elements of typography and a very restricted colour palette.
Co-creator of identity: Karlo Medjugorac
Prepress: Andrej Juvan, Premedia
Photos by Pekinpah by: Borut Peterlin, Matija Lukic, Petra Veber, David Lotric, Nada Zgank, Maja Slavec, Miha Fras, Nejc Saje, Thomas Lenden

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